Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hustle and Flow..

Alright, I am sitting in class, IAH 241A just is case you were wondering, and I decided to talk about the hectic lives we lead as students and my opinion about it.
Seriously think about it, we are full-time students dedicating 20 hours a week or more to schoolwork, classes and the monotony of the everyday. Then, we usually work a part-time job, maybe 10 hours a week flipping burgers or selling clothes. On top of that, we need experience and resume builders, like the dairy club or RHA. With all these commitments, how in the world are we supposed to stay sane with all these commitments, let alone do exceptionally well in our classes to possibly get a job and some money out of this entire thing. I mean we all want to make a profit after paying $64,000 to sit in required classes and study things that we will never use in our careers.
Is this what adult life is like? Is this what we have to look forward to?
I understand that my Fridays after college on will be filled with work and deadlines and screaming kids, but is this constant juggle of seemingly unimportant things the basis of our life on Earth?
I don't think so. But who am I to know what lies ahead of me, no one. I have no idea what the future holds. No idea.
Are we practicing for the real thing? For adulthood? For our futures? I know we are in our careers, but I'm not sure my life will be this hectic and frantic and stressful.
Ever since we were little we were told we that we need to practice something in order to be good at it. Like in high school we were told that we are practicing for college and that high school was preparing us for the next 4 years at a university. I don't know about you, but I disagree with that. Seriously, I took 4 music classes my senior year in high school. In college, I have 9 if not 10 things to do or go see everyday none of which include music classes, skipping classes or busy work. High school did nothing to prepare me for the stress, activity level or academic level of college. So I can't help but think, is this just another false truth? I think we don't know what our future is like until we get there. That's the catch, we will never get to our future, ever. Its always in front of us. Always.
I know it sounds bizarre, but with 3 jobs a full class load and other activities, I want more. I do, this is the only time in my life I can do this, I will only be 19 once, I will only be in college once. Only once. So why not have a blast! Honestly, why take it easy? Why? Being stressed out to the point of losing hair is no good, but I want to do as much as I can.
Is this what the rest of our lives is going to look like?
Heck no! So why have it any different, I will be working on Fridays for the rest of my life, so why try to be an adult now? why? Let me enjoy my young adult life while I have it.
So although I may moan and complain about the hectic life I lead and the amount of things I have to complete within the night, but honestly, I would not have it any other way.
In 4 years, i will be working at a news station, married with kids. I will not have time to do all the amazing thing I got to see and do at 4 am, I will not have time to go out with friends for hours on end, I will have an adult life with my family. Right now, my friends are my family and my school work is my job. So I'm going to live it up.
Alright, that's all for now, I know I rambled on and on but after all I am delusional. So look forward to more confessions.

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