Friday, May 28, 2010

Heat Wave...

Alright, it is 12:16 am on Saturday morning.. why does this mean you ask?! This means I will be 20 in 23 hours. That's right. 20!
Oh no, panic attack!
Not really, surprisingly I'm ready to be 20, I'm ready to step into my big-girl shoes and take on the world. Well, not exactly ready, but I'm not FREAKING out like I was a week ago. I think because I know I have no control over it anymore, not like I did, but now I have come to grasp the idea of getting older and honestly... I'm alright with it.
So, my mother REFUSES to turn on or even fix our air conditioner so I am sitting in my bedroom, in the blistering heat with a fan blowing directly on my face. What a life!
So today, I got a haircut, a much needed haircut and as most of you know... it is short again. YAY!
I absolutely, positively HATE my hair long. And by long, I mean if I can put it into a ponytail... I lose my mind.
Its dramatic, but hey that's what I am... dramatic.
Notice the dramatic pauses and slight dramatizations using uppercase lettering?!
Anyhow, my hair is short again and I feel like a big-girl. Not a 16 year old who doesn't know what in the world to do with her hair..
Since my birthday is so soon, me and mama went shopping today. I got a new comforter set. FINALLY. And a bathing suit top THAT FITS! YES! Plus some cute clothes for work and school. Then we came back and watched a bunch of movies... Including Blind Side and Ben Button. I laid out in the sun too... good day!
Although this was a fun day... I think its bed time.
Look for more confessions... of a former delusional bridesmaid.

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