Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-ch changes

Today marks the first day of the new semester and new year.
Today I have my first class as a junior.
Surprisingly, I'm excited.

Anyhow, on my way down to take out my trash this morning, I checked my mail. You see I live on the East side of the building and the mail is on the West side so whenever I'm over there I check, it seems kinda excessive since everything is on the west side, but making a trip over there to JUST get my mail makes my lazy side complain. Anyhow, I checked the mail.
And I see this big card in the box, so I open it up and its a 20% off coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond. Super exciting right? Um, not really. Although I love free things and sales, this particular coupon was made to make me sad. You see it was addressed to the old resident of my room, Christine Knasel. I instantly went "Awwww..."
Although I'm obviously happy Christine graduated and got married, seeing her maiden name in her old mailbox just reminded me of last year, and last year was a GREAT year. It made me miss her, and all the things we did together, it also made me miss last year's staff and last year in general. I love my staff and my girls this year, but last year will always hold a special place on my heart.
So thanks Christine for not stopping your mail... it was a plot to make me cry wasn't it? Well, it didn't work.
Don't worry I was surprised too! Katie? 1 Tears? 0

Alright folks, breakfast time!
Oh and class time... you know.

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