Monday, August 16, 2010

1:03 AM

Why hello there, It's obviously 1:03 in the morning, hence the title.
I am sitting in my room, restless, listening to music. I finished my mentor door tags today, and hung up the Yakeley-Gilchrist ones. I also put up my boards. I maybe going a little crazy doing everything so early, but I love being crafty and it really eases my stress to just sing, be crafty and take my mind off the real world for a second.
Anyhow, I was talking to Larson today and walking around with him, and I had told my AHD Angie that I accepted Christ for the first time last year and Larson said "Really? I didn't know that! Wow! Praise God."
And this statement got me thinking...
Praise God! Seriously!
I don't think I give enough credit sometimes because I am trapped up in my own little world of earthy, unimportant things. Seriously, He is amazing! He is! Even in the last few days, my mind has been full of worries and stress and just crap and I have been praying to God and you know what? He is so good, He answers prayers, He does. And its really awesome to think I serve a God who actually works, a God who is a doing God not just a present one. He does so much for us! Oh man!
This summer has been challenging for many ways and He has always provided. ALWAYS. I almost feel foolish for doubting that He would.
God is so so so good!
Props to Larson for the reminder!

Praise God!

Friday, August 13, 2010

On the Banks of the Red Cedar...

As you may have guessed, I am home.
I moved into 210 Yakeley today.
I left my home, my family and moved into my second home to be reunited with my lovely ResLife family!
I am so geeked to be here!
Its a little weird being in Christine's room, but it feels like mine. It really does. I'm so glad to be here and so thankful for this opportunity. I just love MSU.
I just love it.
Now its time for dinner with the Irish man.

Love you MSU
Praise God!!

PS: For those of you who have NO lives, I will keep you updated on all training and MSU news... not to worry!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Snow White Toothbrushes..

Today is Tuesday.
Today was my last day at WXYZ.
I don't know how I feel about it quite yet, its bittersweet. I mean I finished my first big girl internship and got amazing experience, killer scripts, stories that aired and a great stuff for my tape, but I don't want to see it go. This was such a wonderful experience. I learned that this is what I really want to do with my life and its sad to see it go even though I will continue to learn after this at other internships. This one will always hold a place in my heart, because it was my first. As Colleen so eloquently put it, "You will go on to bigger and better things, you are definitely going places."
Still, its sad to see it go.
I will be back at the station on Saturday night to anchor, so maybe I should save my sadness for then
This means I go back to school on Friday!! So excited!
I'm super excited to see everyone and hang out with all the mentors and finish all my nerdy mentor things... door tags.
Plus, I love State, so I am happy to go back.

So, here is the update, today I went into work and I had the perfect last day... just like I prayed for.
I found not 1, not 2, but 3 editors to work on pieces.. just like I hoped for.
And I thought God wasn't listening.... He was. He always is.
No cavities!
And my teeth and gums are looking better! Hooray!
The hygienist gave me 3 toothbrushes, because my mouth is super special.
So I got a grown-up one, a half one for the nooks and grannies AND a kids one for the back

What did the kids one have on it you ask?
If you know me you know she is MY princess. MINE.
When the hygienist gave it to me I said "Snow White!"
She said "I gave it to you because she has black hair like you do.."
I said "She's my princess!!"

I was super excited.

Great day, although it was the end of something wonderful... It signifies the start of more
More wonderful things in my future

Praise God for always being faithful.
Praise Him for amazing experiences.
Praise Him for my life.

Now, its time for a baseball game with Tina... Super pumped!
Till next time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I am home, finally and I am waiting to head back to my grandmas for my last week at WXYZ.
As I lay in bed, trying to sleep, I stumble upon wonderful messages from wonderful women.
I am so inspired.
First, Sara.
On her Facebook on August 4th (I'm kind of a stalker) she posted Isiah 40:31 and when I got back from church, I was catching up on my gossip and saw it. I didn't immediately run to my bible to see the verse nor did I ask about it, I just noted it inside my head somewhere. Then, as I came to my room to sleep before heading out to grams house, I saw it again. It was different this time, something hit, someone moved my feet and I went to get my bible and saw this absolutely beautiful verse.
"But those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on the wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak."
This really struck me, because this is something I struggle with, trust. I am so concerned with my future, my projects, my education, my life, but do I stop to think about who is really in control, not really. I think about myself. I think about how devastated I will be if I don't get married, if I don't get that "dream" job, if I don't finish my projects at the station. Does it really matter? NO. It never will. Ever. Those things don't matter. God matters and He wants good things for me, He does. I know it sounds like the go to Christian saying, but it is so true, I can't tell you how many times God has proven He wants the best for me, how many times He answers my prayers. So since I know this and believe this, why can't I always trust this amazing God? Because I am a sinner and selfish in that way, but as He has always shown me God knows I am worried, He knows I'm not trusting Him and He does things to make me trust Him, and I am given constant reminders to trust Him. For example, this verse, the friends I'm surrounded with and the feelings of my own heart.
I am worried about finishing my projects and when I thought that I finally was about to get them done, it didn't work out. The editor was busy and I was told I could not meet with him today. Now, God is making me trust Him to finish them. I know it sounds weird, I know it does but its true. I know they will get done, but now I need to trust God that everything will work out the way it is supposed to, the way that helps me give him the most glory and maybe I need to sweat a little and get uncomfortable. God uses uncomfortable, God uses awkward and I know that those feelings lead to growth, thanks to Laura, my second inspiration for the day.
Laura blogged about her struggles with identity, I will not go into all the details, you can look yourself, but oh my goodness she really struck me.
It really helped me see how much I need God, how my relationship with Him is so important and how much I depend on it, but honestly I have no idea why God wants a relationship with me, our relationship is kinda one-sided. He gives me salvation and I depend on Him every second of the day.
Honestly, these two women kinda woke me up from my worried-coma.
So God knew I needed it and knew how to get my attention. He did. He knew and He always does.
Her blog also showed me how much I rely on the comfortable and how much control I need. I am a control-freak and although I am working on it, boy oh boy is to difficult and this struggle with my projects is just a small example of how I need things done on my time and if they aren't, I freak. Again, God uses freak-outs and I know that if He is using it, something will happen and I will grow from this.

God is good!
Beautiful is a hard word to spell...

I am blessed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Trash TV

I finally feel caught up with everything.
Today, I finished all the pieces for my packages. I recorded my tracks, I taped my intros and put everything onto my hard drive, all before 9 o'clock. Go me!
The fun thing was I had to tape three different stories, so therefore I had to have three different outfits. So I was literally reading four sentences then changing then reading five sentences then changing then reading three sentences, so I probably looked crazy as all get out changing clothes every three minutes. Although I felt silly, I'm proud of how much I accomplished.
Then, I moved out of my grams house today, although it was sad I'm glad I got it done. Now, I can start packing up my life for school and wind down the summer with my family and away from my uncle, who is driving me crazy.
I would discuss my uncle further, but I don't like it when smoke comes out of my ears... so moving on...
I am now home and I am watching Steve Wilkos.
I hope you all realize how ridiculous this show is, if you don't I will explain.
The title of the show is called "She is my Property" and this man, who is 18, hits his woman because "he loves her" seriously he said that, meanwhile she works full-time, she goes to school and has a daughter with this man...he doesn't work. He is on the show to confront his woman because he thinks she's cheating. Meanwhile, he is at home all day, beating his kid and smoking weed. Talk about a dream boat.
The reason I love and hate this show is because Steve takes this to the most extreme point, which makes it funny.
Now this woman is picking a door...door 1 she can leave this awful man, or door 2 she can stay with him...She actually left him! That never happens.
I think that's why I hate this show, these women are abused and treated terribly and they still stay with these men, and Steve doesn't stop it. AT ALL. Plus, although this is reality, no one treats it that way and they act as if it all goes away when they get off the stage.
Anyhow, next up Maury and Jerry, gotta love those!