Friday, July 30, 2010

When Katie Met Sally

Christine Webb, the source of all there is to know about rats, has been running a rat foster care and adoption center out of her apartment. This is the story, the Webb’s started their family with a husband, a wife, and two very spoiled rats: Cindy and Houdini. Then, do to their big hearts for rats and the sheer volume of displaced, homeless and neglected rats in the Kalamazoo area they ended up housing eight rats. That’s right, eight! Juno, the young “teen mom” and her three babies: Snap, Crackle and Pop, “Creature” the rat that was saved from being snake food and Patch who they babysit often.
Pop was recently adopted out to a nice teacher leaving the six rats that live there and Patch the latchkey rat. So obviously Christine has been desperately trying to adopt out all these rats as soon as possible, which leads me to Christine’s evil plot and Sally.
I was heading up to East Lansing on Wednesday for work training and had the idea that Christine meet me in E.L. for dinner and she suggested that I just drive the hour to come see her and spend the night. This was the first step in Christine’s plot to pawn these rats on me. Christine knows I am impulsive and that I almost instantly fall in love with all rats after she introduced me to Cindy in the spring. So, knowing all this, Christine knew I would meet these rats, fall in love with them and take at least one of them home. Step two in Christine’s plan? Write a witty and funny blog about these rats, make a movie about them showing off the utter cute-ness of these rats, all a ploy to get me to take one of these adorable rats home. So, after I see these rats online, I tell Christine Crackle is cute so she tells me to take it home; again she is trying to make sure I adopt one of these foster rats.
After the three-hour drive from Sterling to K-Zoo, I meet Christine and Rex in Meijer and after a shopping trip and some debating on what to eat for dinner; Christine introduces me to the litter. I instantly declare I will NOT be taking a rat that looks like Bernece because I would never be able to tell them apart, so she introduces me to Creature, this very cute, very little girl rat who is white and light brown. Notice the amount of effort Christine takes to try and get rid of these rats. So after dinner, a trip to the video store and a walk back, Rex goes to get Patch the latchkey rat whole Christine and I take out the rats and have girl talk.
As previously stated, I am impulsive so after about an hour of playing with Creature, I decided to take her home and change her name because Creature is a completely unacceptable name for a little girl. Meet Sally.
See, my impulsive nature and Christine’s evil plot has led me to becoming a rat mom of two. So, now I have to introduce Sally to Bernece. Bernece is a diva so this is a little but harder than I thought, but it is coming along.
So I have a growing family and even more things to do now, thanks Christine. On a side note, I got to Meijer and called both Rex and Christine with no luck getting a hold of either one, so I walked into Meijer and started down the aisles. In about the 3rd aisle down, I noticed these two people kissing and immediately thought, “Really? In Meijer? You can’t control yourself until you get home? Wow.” Then I realized, the kissing couple was Christine and Rex. Ha. If you knew Christine you would be as SHOCKED as I was when I saw this. I thought it was funny and I wanted to share this just to mortify Christine.
Alright, I’m heading back to help my rats bond, what has my life become... Look for more confessions.

1 comment:

  1. Um, exCUSE me - we were not "kissing." That makes it sound like I had been thrown up against the side of the frozen pizza display as Rex and I passionately made out (our clothes BARELY staying on). He merely kissed me sweetly because we were excited about our ice cream flavor choice! GEEZ!!!! lol ;-)
