Thursday, October 14, 2010


Needless to say, I am a pretty outgoing, loving person, BUT...
I can NOT stand it when people are oblivious to the world around them.
I was riding Lauren's bike to a meeting yesterday in the rain and I have never been so annoyed with the students on this campus!

Dear Oblivious Walker,
You are one of 45,000 students so why do you insist on walking around on campus with your head down and your music turned up too loud? I do not want to run you over, but when you aren't paying attention and walk in front of me, you leave me no choice.
Love, Angry Biker

Seriously, I walk to class, I do and I listen to music, BUT I do NOT walk around with my music turned up so loud I can't even hear my own thoughts and my head down!
When is that ever a good idea?! Does that even make sense? NO!
That is like the first thing you learn when you start walking.... if you walk with your head down, you will RUN INTO THINGS!
So why, when you get to college do you forget that lesson?
Its so frustrating!
I want to ride my bike so I can get to class faster, so be courteous and let me get past you without almost killing you. PLEASE?!
That's all I want.
I want to get to class without getting mad at you and freaking out when I almost run you over.

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