Friday, July 30, 2010

When Katie Met Sally

Christine Webb, the source of all there is to know about rats, has been running a rat foster care and adoption center out of her apartment. This is the story, the Webb’s started their family with a husband, a wife, and two very spoiled rats: Cindy and Houdini. Then, do to their big hearts for rats and the sheer volume of displaced, homeless and neglected rats in the Kalamazoo area they ended up housing eight rats. That’s right, eight! Juno, the young “teen mom” and her three babies: Snap, Crackle and Pop, “Creature” the rat that was saved from being snake food and Patch who they babysit often.
Pop was recently adopted out to a nice teacher leaving the six rats that live there and Patch the latchkey rat. So obviously Christine has been desperately trying to adopt out all these rats as soon as possible, which leads me to Christine’s evil plot and Sally.
I was heading up to East Lansing on Wednesday for work training and had the idea that Christine meet me in E.L. for dinner and she suggested that I just drive the hour to come see her and spend the night. This was the first step in Christine’s plot to pawn these rats on me. Christine knows I am impulsive and that I almost instantly fall in love with all rats after she introduced me to Cindy in the spring. So, knowing all this, Christine knew I would meet these rats, fall in love with them and take at least one of them home. Step two in Christine’s plan? Write a witty and funny blog about these rats, make a movie about them showing off the utter cute-ness of these rats, all a ploy to get me to take one of these adorable rats home. So, after I see these rats online, I tell Christine Crackle is cute so she tells me to take it home; again she is trying to make sure I adopt one of these foster rats.
After the three-hour drive from Sterling to K-Zoo, I meet Christine and Rex in Meijer and after a shopping trip and some debating on what to eat for dinner; Christine introduces me to the litter. I instantly declare I will NOT be taking a rat that looks like Bernece because I would never be able to tell them apart, so she introduces me to Creature, this very cute, very little girl rat who is white and light brown. Notice the amount of effort Christine takes to try and get rid of these rats. So after dinner, a trip to the video store and a walk back, Rex goes to get Patch the latchkey rat whole Christine and I take out the rats and have girl talk.
As previously stated, I am impulsive so after about an hour of playing with Creature, I decided to take her home and change her name because Creature is a completely unacceptable name for a little girl. Meet Sally.
See, my impulsive nature and Christine’s evil plot has led me to becoming a rat mom of two. So, now I have to introduce Sally to Bernece. Bernece is a diva so this is a little but harder than I thought, but it is coming along.
So I have a growing family and even more things to do now, thanks Christine. On a side note, I got to Meijer and called both Rex and Christine with no luck getting a hold of either one, so I walked into Meijer and started down the aisles. In about the 3rd aisle down, I noticed these two people kissing and immediately thought, “Really? In Meijer? You can’t control yourself until you get home? Wow.” Then I realized, the kissing couple was Christine and Rex. Ha. If you knew Christine you would be as SHOCKED as I was when I saw this. I thought it was funny and I wanted to share this just to mortify Christine.
Alright, I’m heading back to help my rats bond, what has my life become... Look for more confessions.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

One Year.

One year ago my life was flipped upside down. One year ago everything I had known for 19 years changed.
After 19 years of pushing, pulling and doing everything in my power to push God away and out of my heart, He rocked my world in an unbelievable way.
July 11, 2009 Oscar Chapaton; my grandfather, my mother's father and my grandma's husband died.
And with death, came the death of something inside me.
That's sounds morbid, but it is so true.
After he passed away, I started to live with my grandma. I slept in the bed with her, where he slept and sat where he sat. It was an upsetting experience. I was so aware of my mortality and my lack of spirituality. Here I was trying to comfort my grandma, telling her my grandpa, her husband was waiting for her in heaven and I didn't even believe it. I have been raised Catholic my entire life and for 19 years I went through the motions and just like that, God had shaken me to the core. He literally shook everything in me and everything around me and changed my life.
This was the start of a rapid change in me. This is where I started searching for God and for what He had to offer and for who He was.
Remember how I said something died in me? That part of me that was pushing God away and going through the motions died. DIED. I was done being that girl, and God woke me up and told me I was done being that girl. He told me He wanted me to be another girl, His daughter.
In August, I met Christine and had a heart-to-heart with her in her room, after knowing her for 2 days and we had an amazing talk about God. After a couple of weeks, she invited me to bible study and with that the Lord began to work in me more than ever and a month went by and I accepted Christ and broke up with Kevin, my boyfriend of a year and a half who didn't believe in God and started my life as a new creation in Christ.
So, one year ago God flipped my world upside down and pulled me close to him.
After 19 years of disobeying God, He pulled me close to Him and changed my life. After years of pushing Him away..HE still pulled me close... He STILL did!

God is so good!

Although today was hard and this week has been full of emotions, what a great day! What a reminder of how much God loves me!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Today was a rough day.
At WXYZ, I go out in the truck all morning and cover stories and get footage with Marlon. Its fun and usually interesting. It also makes me feel like a real reporter.
Today, we went to Pontiac to cover a shooting and homicide and when we got there... there was no lights, no tape, just 2 cop cars and 5 cops.
We were told very little information, so being the nosey little journalist that I am, I walked around the car blocking the one side of the street and the crime scene. Already being freaked out that I, the intern, was at a crime scene.. I wasn't expecting much, I mean maybe some blood a few evident markers, some more cops... but instead, I saw the body.
Yep, a real dead body. With blood. And no sheet covering him.
To be honest, it was a hard pill to swallow. Thank goodness I was with Marlon, he calmed me down and knew exactly what to say. Including "you have to move on," which although was comforting and very good in that moment... Seriously? Move on? This man, this empty body was someone's son, brother, maybe father, or husband. And now he is being treated like a piece of meat. He was being flipped around and moved around as if he was a dummy. He wasn't even covered by a sheet. Nothing. It was so unsettling.
These men, although I respect them very much, are so desensitized to the idea of death and it really bothers me. When I say desensitized, I simply mean that it felt that way to me, these men were doing this job and completing all necessary tasks with diligence as though he was just another dead body and it really bothered me. I could never do that. Ever and I give them credit.
This man was a person, he's not just a body to me but he was treated that way. It was just hard to deal with, and it was my first dead body so I guess I will get used to it. I don't know if I want to "get used to it"
Anyhow, then we went to a fire.
And that's news. Its as simple as that. You cover a story and move on. Its just a story. A fire. A body. A death. A shooting. That's it... just a story.
Although I love news and I feel so good about my internship and my major. I love journalism and all it entails. This was a great but rough lesson to learn.
I was surprised that I didn't cry on scene.. I did however cry to my mom and in the car by myself. Maybe that's how I'll get through the rough stories... maybe.
This is news. In reality, its a job. You do it and go home. You move on and cover the next story.
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that yet. I guess I'll have to get used to it and do my job.
This may be tougher than I thought.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stop by for the Summer...

Alright, here's the skinny.
I am sitting in Jim's apartment, watching TERRIBLE television and enjoying a day off.
B enjoys the AC and the dark room and I enjoy the cable, AC and relaxation.
Too bad I feel like the biggest mooch in the world, I mean this kid lets me sleep here, eat his food and just hang out when he's at work. I feel like I'm taking advantage and I feel like Jim is too nice to tell me to get the heck out when he's sick of me.
But, today I will be joining Emily for bible study! Yay!
So excited! SO SO EXCITED!
Then tomorrow, I will be in Detroit and then I'm spending the week with my grams.
This week is a rough one, my grandfather passed away a year ago on Sunday. So needless to say, my grams is having a rough month. Her anniversary was the 4th, his anniversary is the 11th and her 87th birthday is the 26th. Also, on her birthday, she is getting Lasik on her eye. She only has one, so she is pretty nervous something may go wrong.
So please pray for her.
Summer is half-over and that means door tag season has begun. I have 30 tags made for my girls and all the mentor tags. Hooray! To show the lame-ness of my mentor friends... Jim and I had a door tag making party. AWESOME!
So with that... I bid you a farewell