Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Super creative title right?!
I know, I know but it totally works

Dear Mother Nature,
Thank you! I know this is a weird occurrence for us, since our relationship isn't exactly roses and rainbows, but seriously I mean it, thank you! Usually, you like to make all of us college kids suffer through the snow and freeze on our way to class as early as November 1st, but this year you really outdid yourself. Yes, we have had cold days and rain, but NO SNOW until December 1st, as it should be. It's like you knew today was the start of the Christmas season.
Yes, the Christmas season starts AFTER Thanksgiving and Mother Nature I think you have proven your point... Snow starts when its officially time to start thinking about Christmas, DECEMBER 1st.
So again I thank you, now don't think this is an excuse for a blizzard or below freezing temperatures... We are finally on a good note, don't screw it up now.

OK so I think for the first time ever I am not pissed that it snowed today. This is the first snow we have had this year and I am pleased. I am one of the biggest snow-haters but today it seems fitting. I am not a grinch, I do not hate Christmas, but this idea that Christmas season starts November 1st is baloney. Christmas starts AFTER Thanksgiving, that is why it is later on the calendar. Christmas decorations can go up now and the madness and greatness of the holidays can begin, because December and snow has finally come.
In conclusion, snow belongs in December.

So bring on the snow!

PS: Christmas music before December is ridiculous. Its like singing happy birthday to yourself a month before your actual birthday. See, it sounds crazy now doesn't it.

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