Monday, November 22, 2010

Back to the Story Board

Well, I guess this title is a little misleading.
Anyhow, Thanksgiving is on its way which means this semester is coming to a close relatively soon and the stress is building relatively quickly.
So here's the scoop. I have decided to do a story on the curb cuts in Port Huron for my JRN 403 class. Its a great story, but its in Port Huron meaning to get any footage and/or interviews I have to go to Port Huron which is 30 minutes from my house and 2.5 hours from MSU.
So today I will be heading out there for another interview, downside?
It will be 5 and probably dark
It's 2.5 hours away
I have to drive 2.5 hours back, meaning I will be driving 5 hours for a 30 minute interview. No one can say I'm not dedicated to this field.
So to add insult to injury, I also have another story due the day we come back from Thanksgiving...


All I have to say is that their better be some good music on the radio today.

1 comment:

  1. But you get bonding time with SYLVIA!!!! And that is always AWESOME!!!! :-D
