Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beautiful People..

Alright, so I have been thinking lately, well I just thought of something, what does it mean to be a successful woman?
I have 2 definitions...
The biblical definition and the pop culture definition.
Proverbs 31:10-31
She is resourceful, loving, honest, hardworking, selfless and godly
Pop Culture?
She is a size 2, she is tall, she's independent, some call her a bitch, and she puts herself before others and she tends to be business savvy.
This got me thinking, which woman do I want to be? The first woman puts the Lord and her family before herself and the second woman puts herself before others. The other characteristics I listed may be opinions but one thing remains true. One woman is selfless the other is selfish.
Both, however are successful.
Who do I want to be?
What does that say about me?
I want to be successful, I have goals that I want for my life, things I want to do and things I want to see, but do I want to put those goals above every other thing in my life and do whatever I can to achieve them?I know hard work is involved, but I think some people go WAY to far in trying to accomplish their goals, to the point of being immoral and if I went that far to do whatever it takes to achieve those goals and achieved them would I even want them anymore? Probably not. I probably would be so filled with guilt I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
We are force fed these ideas that we should reach for the stars and achieve our goals and travel the world and do whatever it takes to do it, but is it really worth it?
Do those things really matter?
I don't think so...
To be honest, I want to be like the first woman, I don't think I am her, but I think I can be and I want to be like her.
I want to live for a higher power, I want to live for someone else and I think putting the Lord and my family before myself is a great place to start.
Well, that's all for now look forward to more confessions.

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